2018: “Confounding as Dismeasure: Value in David Greig’s Theatre”. Proceedings of the Conference Theatre as a Value-Based Discourse: Slovak Theatre and Contemporary European Theatre Culture. Ed. Elena Knopová. Bratislava: VEDA, Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 84-102.
2017: “‘Hysterizing’ 30 Years of AIDS: Identity of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs)”, edited by Mateos-Aparicio Ángel & de Gregorio-Godeo, Eduardo. In Identity and Identification: Proceedings of the 14th International ‘Culture and Power’ Conference. Cuenca (Spain): Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. [ISBN: 978-84-9044-272-2]. Pp: 157-166.
2012: “The Politics of Re-reading / Re-writing in Contemporary British Theatre”, a paper given at the XXXV Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN). Published in: At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Eds. Sara Martín Alegre, Melissa Moyer, Elisabet Pladevell and Susagna Tubau, Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 238-44. E-book.